About Fyp


What's covered at fYP

God's grand story

Fundamental to long-lasting discipleship is a correct understanding of God’s Word – not as a collection of random stories or a list of do’s and don’ts, but as God’s Grand Story of the redemption of all things. 

Want to know your calling? Know God’s Story first. Want a framework to help you make sense of life? Know God’s Story first. It gives all our stories their proper context and frames our perspectives on the purpose of life, what is of value, and how we should live.

Church history

Even as we eagerly look forward to what God has in store for us, we must also remember to look back and honour the giants of the faith on whose shoulders we stand. God told the Israelites to remember all that the Lord had done for them (Deut. 8), and the feasts and offerings were instated as a way of helping them to remember God’s deliverance and faithfulness for generations. 

Part of the FYP discipleship journey includes a weekly session that gives you the opportunity to dive into the rich history of our faith and the legacy that the founding fathers have bestowed on us.

Spiritual Formation

The Christian life, simply put, is about life with God. In the face of an increasingly distracting society, our hearts will be restless until they find their rest in God. It is not good enough to just know about God; disciples know God personally and intimately. It is in this constant encounter with him that we find meaning, value, purpose, and identity. 

At FYP, we will be guided by a seasoned spiritual director to encounter God in a personal way and develop a growing relationship with Him. Over the 3 months, you will be exposed to spiritual disciplines and have a community in which to practice them, thereby forming good habits for the long-haul.

Developing a christian worldview

As image-bearers called to participate in building God’s kingdom, we must learn to seek God’s mind and purposes for all aspects of life. This means we need to seek His thoughts even in the everyday aspects of life, like education, our use of technology, our consumption of the arts and entertainment, our understanding of social issues, politics, economics, etc. 

When we live all of life coram Deo – before the face of God – all of life takes on greater meaning and purpose because all that we do is a way of partnering God in His work of restoration and redemption.

God's kingdom in action

Theory comes to life when it is embodied in a person and embedded in a story. Each week, you will get to meet with Christian professionals from various sectors of life, hear their stories of faith, and learn how their work contributes to God’s kingdom. 

These specially-curated talks will not only broaden your view of the amazing things that God is doing in His kingdom, but also hopefully help you make more informed choices about your future course of study or vocation.

Community life & Service

It ain’t easy finding your place in life. The beauty of it is, at FYP, you won’t have to do it alone.

Got questions about school-life, dating, ministry, vocations, or your faith? FYP is a great place to ask them. Need help with leading worship or devotions? Our FYP mentors will coach you on what to do. Want to expand your scope of interests? These are all benefits of tapping into the vast reservoir of wisdom in all things great and small that we have at FYP.

Not only will we eat, pray, and love in huddles, we’ll also extend that love to the community, together, by serving in social outreach projects either locally or abroad!

Wesleyan Theology

What began as a meeting of a few students at Oxford in the 18th century has blossomed today into the worldwide Methodist movement, ministering to more than 75 million across the globe. John Wesley’s influence can be seen in physical landscapes in churches, private homes, and on university and seminary campuses around the world – preserving his memory in paintings, busts, and life-sized statues. Churches, schools, coffeehouses, campgrounds, retreat centres and even children have been named after him. 

This enduring legacy is not simply due to Wesley’s personality or preaching, but from the rich seam of Christian thought and practice that Wesley left behind for us. As Christians in the Methodist family, we will be guided to explore our deep and yet profoundly simple Wesleyan heritage, so that we might recapture Wesley’s fire and vision of the Christian life, perfected in the holy love of God.

FYP 2024

  • Classes run from 8:30am – 1pm, Mondays to Fridays
  • Spiritual formation/service learning prep will be held on Tuesdays & Fridays from 2 – 4:30pm
  • Mentoring or group activities will be held in the afternoons on an ad hoc basis

  • Hakka Methodist Church
  • Program fee: S$500
  • Churches are also strongly encouraged to give their participants an allowance to cover the cost of their daily expenses. We recommend an allowance of S$300 to S$500 per month per participant
  • Payment can be made via online banking transfer or PayNow. Find out more here.
Join us for FYP 2024

8 Jan - 22 Mar, 2024

Applicants need to submit TWO forms and pay $500 for course fees:

1. Participant Application form 

2. Pastor’s Referral form (please send this referral form to your pastor-in-charge or youth worker to complete on your behalf)

3. Payment can be made via online banking transfer or PayNow. Find out more here.

Registration closes on 31 December, 2023.